Nástio Mosquito
The Age I Don’t Remember
Commissioned by
EMDASH Foundation
at ICA, London
Friday 6th November 2015
Multimedia artist Nástio Mosquito brought “The Age I Don’t Remember”, a one-off site-specific performance, to the ICA, London, on Friday 6 November. Having brought together new video and music work to create an immersive performance of song, spoken word, movement and visual projections, The Age I Don’t Remember was the artist’s first solo project in London.
Considered one of the most exciting artists of his generation, Nástio’s practice traverses video and music, performance and installation, with an intense commitment to the open-ended potential of language. Easily misread as a kind of world weariness, his work is the extraordinary expression of an urgent desire to engage with reality at all levels; it is as funny as it is confrontational, as candid as it is ironic, satirical and cool. The Age I Don’t Remember positions the audience within Nástio’s constructed dreamscape, surrounded by musicians, video screens – displaying text works and film pieces – and the mercurial artist himself. Utilising a mix of new and contemporary media, Nástio explores the perceptive realms of dream and reality, asking the audience to test and question the boundaries between the two.
Through his work, Mosquito guesses towards a future in which clear distinctions of perception and ‘self’ are either redundant or irrelevant. Interrogating definitions of art, race, politics or – as here – dreams and reality, Nástio incites the viewer to confront the limitations of language and to consider its power within the contemporary landscape, whilst urging them to validate and achieve their own, individual dreams.