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Andrea Dibelius: Exploring new directions in contemporary art

EMDASH Foundation established in 2010 by Andrea Dibelius is a philanthropic organization in support of contemporary artists

EMDASH believes in innovative, explorative art and interdisciplinary collaborations and is the missing link between: Past - Present - Future.

Mission Statement

EMDASH provides space and the relevant network-platform for discussions on sustainable idees and innovations expressed through contemporary art.

EMDASH provides contemporary artists the opportunity to create and exhibit their artworks, via the relevant network-platform. Inviting the observers and the artists to participate in explorative dialogue.

EMDASH believes that art does make a difference and understands the observers of art are impacted on emotional, intellectual, spiritual and at times cellular levels.

Andrea Dibelius mission is to move art beyond the descriptive into informing and activating an impetus for change expressed through the observers game-changing thoughts and actions.

Andrea Dibelius Facebook Account


EMDASH founded by Andrea Dibelius has supported more than 100+ artists.

Artists selected by Andrea Dibelius

We enable, sponsor, foster, connect, curate end create opportunities for the future.

Via EMDASH foundation by Andrea Dibelius, artists have the freedom to express their interests and interpretation of topical issues for our times such as: Literature, media, body political, LBGTO+, racism, identity, human rights, kids education & poverty, technology, etc.

The discovered creations bring these different subjects to the forefront in a rather engaging thoughtful way.

Visual story telling helps us to have an experience beyond linear thinking.

Current Ecology Projects

11th of October 2022: Environmental Art Performance, London

Bristish Nigerian performance artist Zina Saro-Wiwa art practice focuses on the environment and spiritual ecology in the Niger Delta, Nigeria, Africa.

Initiator and commissioned by EMDASH Foundation by Andrea Dibelius (for 300 people)

May/June 2023: Interactive Artist Group Show Collection, Documenta, Kassel, Germany

Zina and Andrea Dibelius photos from facebook account page
Emdash Artisan House

The Artist Group is creative an interactive artwork with performative elements for the audience to experience the importance od sustainable design and architecture.

Members: Tom Otto Roth, Peter Liversidge, Rafael Perez Evans, etc. EMDASH Foundation commisions and Andrea Dibelius curate on behalf of Vigour (for 1.200 people).

June 2023 till January 2025: Emdash Artisan House by EMDASH Foundation by Andrea Dibelius, Malda Ville, London

Via the EMDASH Foundation by Andrea Dibelius, artists have the freedom to express their interests and interpretation of topical issues for our times such as sustainability, climate change, and social justice.

Through immersive events and partnerships with industries, Andrea Dibelius aims to spotlight future innovations and connect trends, not just locally but also on social media and beyond.

Emdash Foundation led by Andrea Dibelius

Partners - we are part of the solution

Artists around the world, non-profit organisations, museums, curators, architects, sustainable industrial brands, wealthy individuals, social media and continue other multiplicators.

Altru Institut reflection

"EMDASH Foundation by Andrea Dibelius never doubt that the next generation of thoughtful, committed artists, with the fresh eyes and upon reflection on the past can change the world, indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Margarete Mead

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